Student Life

RA Long High School is dedicated to engaging students in all aspects of their high school experience.  

RA Long is committed to providing students with the best possible educational experience that will remain with them outside our walls.  During the school day, we are dedicated to our student academic growth, though we know that there are indefinite lessons that happen outside of the classroom as well.  We offer a variety of programs for our students that focus on enhancing their social, emotional, and physical well-being as well as providing opportunities for them to develop a social consciousness about the world around them.

The motto for the Lumberjacks and Lumberjills is Respect-Achieve-Lead.  We encourage our students to get involved with our extracurricular activities so that they are continually developing character traits that will help them beyond high school.  We are committed to ensuring ways for students to increase their involvement and find ways to develop their passions and show leadership in a safe and supportive environment.

Student Resources

RA Long AVID Program

avid logo

Student Clubs & Organizations



ral athletics

Student Handbook



Student Email Portal


Student Events Calendar


Daily Bell Schedule


Who to See for Assistance


Student Council

student council

Academic Success Coaching

academic success

School Dances


Career Center

ral colleges

District Course Catalog

course catalog



Guidance Office

Guidance Office