Student Resources

The Staff of R.A. Long is always here to help! Below are some common areas that students may need assistance.  This guide will help direct you to the correct person to address your needs.

  • When you are absent from school, call 575-7113 to report your absence 24 hours a day.
  • When leaving early from school, call ahead at 575-7113 OR have a parent/guardian write a note to bring to the front office.
  • If you are feeling ill during school, visit the nurse’s office and the nurse will call.

In partnership with the Longview Police Department, the R.A. Long School Resource Officer (SRO) is available during school hours for all police issues and stolen items.


 Officer Cummo - Contact (360) 575-7115 for assistance or visit our Main Office. 


Have a question regarding discipline?  

Have a medical or medication concern?  


What else can we help you with?

Additional Student Resources

student life

Have a question regarding your lunch account? 

Contact Annette Johnson in the District Office at: 

(360) 575-7172

Staff Directory

ral staff

Guidance Office

The Guidance Office is your central location for all of your scheduling needs while at RA Long.  Be sure to visit their webpage for more information!  

Guidance Office Webpage

Sarah Solinger

What you may need me for:

  • Credit Recovery/Discovery Applications
  • Mental Health (set appt w/ LCMH)
  • Registration
  • Running Start (set appt w/ Counselor)
  • Scheduling (set appt w/ Counselor)
  • Social Concerns (set appt w/ Counselor)
  • Substance Abuse (set appt w/ counselor)
  • Testing - SBAC, AP
  • Transcripts


Last Names A-G

Patricia Duus

Last Names H-N, AVID

Oscar Herrera

AVID Administrators are Mr. Reeves and Ms. Griffiths. 

Last Names O-Z

Jessica Hooper

Current Lumberjack and Lumberjill News


Want announcements in your email as soon as they are posted to the webpage? 

Subscribe to the RA Long School News board! 

Click on the orange bell icon next to this post and follow the prompts. 

Any updates posted to this section of the webpage will automatically show in the email you specified. 


final forms

We are very excited to announce that the RALHS Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service.

FinalForms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time.

You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.

Click on the Parent Playbook (Click Here) (Espanol) to get started in FinalForms. If you require any support during the process, scroll to the page bottom and click “Get Help”.

We are asking the parents/guardians of all students planning to play sports to create accounts in FinalForms and register your student(s).

Please register at: and follow the prompts to create your account, create your students and sign your forms.


Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork processes at RALHS.


Winter 2024/25 Sports Schedules 

Follow the Lumberjack and Lumberjill action in-person, LIVE broadcast and on the radio! 

For links to schedules, rankings, rosters and more CLICK HERE

  • Live Broadcast - N2 Media LLC and NFHS Network.  Links vary by event. 
  • Radio Broadcast for Lumberjack Football - KEDO FM

Please note, all schedules are subject to change.  Check schedules often to stay up-to-date!  

Planning to attend Basketball, Wrestling or Swim in person? 

Ticket Prices are determined by the 2AGSHL League. 

  • $7.00 - Adults and Students (without ASB)
  • $5.00 - Visiting Students (with ASB), Active Military, Veterans, Students Grades K-8
  • FREE - Age 5 and under, Senior Citizens 65+, RAL Student w/ ASB 

If you are interested in a Season Pass, please contact Jaimie Barchus at (360) 575-7128 for more information. 

Go Jacks and Jills!


Always stay on top of Lumberjack and Lumberjill Athletic updates!


The Wizard of Oz

Community Auditions

Open to all 3rd grade and up!

Elementary Auditions - (3-5th grade) are on Monday, February 10 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Community Auditions (6th grade and up) are on Tuesday, February 11 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm

All auditions will be held at the RA Long Auditorium located at 2903 Nichols Blvd.

Please be sure to complete the audition form at

Email questions to




Don't miss out on the weekly newsletter from Principal Reeves!

The weekly newsletter is filled with useful information of events happening here at R.A. Long!  Be sure to read through each updated newsletter to stay up-to-date!

To read the newsletter, CLICK HERE